PA PoliChicks: Generation Z (Episode #4)

They’re 60 million strong and entering the workforce. People born between 1996-2011 make up this newest demographic group. Also known as Gen Tech, Gen Wii, and Digital Natives, many Gen Zers were babies during 9/11 and grew up post-The Great Recession.

How did those events shape their views of security, money, investing, and job-seeking? And why is it so important for companies to recruit and retain employees from this digitally-savvy generation?

PA PoliChicks Nell McCormack Abom and Flora Posteraro talk with Masai Lawson, Talent Acquisition Manager for Gannett Fleming.  Masai offers insights on how Generation Z is changing her company and America’s workforce. And, Gen Zers, tune in for practical tips on how to land a dream job.